Agent Game

Harris, a CIA interrogator at an Agency black site, finds himself the target of a rendition operation after being scapegoated for an interrogation gon ..
Starring:Mel Gibson, Dermot Mulroney, Adan Canto
Creators:Lee Whittaker, Lee Whittaker
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"Agent Game" ... Harris, a CIA interrogator at an Agency black site, finds himself the target of a rendition operation after being scapegoated for an interrogation gone horribly wrong. As the team tasked to bring Harris in begins to question their orders -- and each other --Olsen, a senior intelligence officer, and his subordinate, Visser, raise the stakes. Now, it's up to Harris and some newfound allies to uncover the truth and turn the tables..

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Agent Game

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Agent Game

Agent Game

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Release Date
Action, Thriller
Added in
January 25, 2024
Mel Gibson Dermot Mulroney Adan Canto Katie Cassidy Jason Isaacs

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